Mini Ninjas highly compressed only 26 MB for PC | Giga Downloads - Funny action game starred by small ninjas

Mini Ninjas highly compressed only 26 MB for PC | Giga Downloads - Funny action game starred by small ninjas

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Mini ninjas pc game highly compressed


Enjoy a friendly competition with your friends in the multiplayer mode of the game. The development team last updated this PC game on Jan 25, date. Game Name: Mini Ninjas. Supported Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8. You don't need any Torrent ISO since it is game installer. Below are some steps, Go through it to Install and play the game. Home Games. This is pretty interesting to learn that almost reviewers think this game is perfect Mini Ninjas is a game that combines furious action with stealth and exploration for an experience that appeals to a wide audience across age groups and preferences.

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As the years went by, the secret of the powerful Kuji magic was hidden away in ancient shrines, and the people of the villages and towns went back to their daily lives. Then one day, something changed. Terrible storms began to brew over the mountain on the distant horizon. Floods and earthquakes began to appear in the flatlands.

Mysterious figures were seen hunting and caging animals for unknown reasons. The truth was that the Evil Samurai Warlord had returned, using the forbidden Kuji magic to transform innocent animals into mindless samurai warriors to use to recapture his dark castles and take over the world.

But, by using the Kuji magic for evil purposes, the Evil Samurai Warlord was once again upsetting the balance of nature, bring the wrath of the gods down upon the earth in the form of ravaging storms. The larger his armies grew, the worse the storms became. The Ninja Master knew none of this yet… though he knew that something must be done and made it his unbreakable oath. He sent his best ninja to discover the truth of the storms, but no word returned from the ninja.

One by one, he sent another, but again and again… nothing. Until he was left with only two left, Hiro and Futo. The Ninja Master was hesitant to send his last two, but he knew the fate of the world would lay in their hands. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.

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